Friday, April 11, 2008

2 Prayers

What to do, is on our minds right now. I think with our prayers we have come up with the amount that we can afford to donate to the church fund. This will strap us a bit, but we need to help and do our part. Our other prayer is on what days to go to Arizona. It is important to both of us for the time to see Hettie's Mom. The question is how the trips will add up because my parents are trying to come south to FL. We know that God will guide us to the right decision. Just have to keep praying.


HB said...

Patience babe, patience

Anonymous said...

Hi Sean
You are in God's hands. Seek Him as we read in PS 9:10... And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee; for thou, Lord hast not forsaken them that seek thee.
Now I need a little forgiving for my "I don't know where I live lady". THe Holy Spirit convicted me of my behavior, sort of temper, in the situation. I am sorry, it was not a good witness for the Lord. One thing I am so thrilled and excited about is that I have been gaining back His conviction on things again. As I told you I was on a slippery downward slope and now He is bringing me back to Him, where I belong. Praise His name.
So I pray for you in Jesus name that God will guide you and give both of you great wisdom and discernment. Lord, you know how much these things mean to them and they want your will for their lives. They are in your hands and I pray that they will glorify your name in these things. Amen
Have fun this weekend