Monday, April 14, 2008

Test run on the countertops!

I am being bold and a little impatient this morning. I decided that we should really just go forward with the first part of the project. I am learning slowly what is holding this counter up. Some parts are only held together by thin pieces of laminate. Other parts are nailed about 20 times in a 3 inch square. I'm not entirely sure the last installer knew what they were doing. Maybe I shouldn't speak too soon. So far so good though. I think I set up a good base for the new top. I am just finishing what I need to do before cutting and placing the new one. Good times!!! I love this stuff. Sometimes I wish other people could be here to share in the fun with me. Right now, Hettie is the only lucky bystander. I think she would rather me be done with everything now. But she is a great support system. She has put up with so many different messes in the house and she keeps going. I know how much these things bother her(and me), and I want to finish it so she can have a clean room to go to. There is no doubt that the project will be a success. Time to go back to work!