Friday, March 28, 2008


Hey everyone, it's Friday! Carelift today, and then time at home. Not much going on here. I had to switch my phone out yesterday. I took it to the cell phone doctors(Verizon). They said my phone had a terminal illness(it's dying). Change phones. So I did. We still have some old phones here and they still work, kinda. I will use these until they wear out and I am forced to get a new one. There was no mishap with picking up Hettie from class yesterday. I was getting worried that I missed her coming out and had to sit by the door to make sure when she came out. I didn't miss her, she was there almost the whole class period. The labs must have been intense yesterday. Today we'll see how all goes with everything and let you know if anything changes. Oh yeah, our dog decided to pig out on Japanese Loquats. It makes her feel bad. I think it's because she eats all of them. Too bad she can't have one then stop. Now we have to watch her out back to be sure she does not gorge herself.


Becca said...

what is a japanese loquat?! a plant or something I assume? Hurray for Friday! I told Joel to take a look at your blog so he can keep in touch with you guys too. He's home today finally so maybe he'll take a 'gander' =)

HB said...

Hooray for Fridays!

sbrewner said...

it's about time, he better look since I named the blog after his idea