Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hmmmmm... he must be new.

This may be the biggest trainwreck I offer on my first blog entry. I guess you could say I'm going in blind. I have no idea whether what I say is interesting to anyone else, and frankly I don't care. I would, however, like to know if this is something I would enjoy doing. I think if I have a chance to voice my opinion I will most definitely be ignored. We'll see.
I am struggling with the fact that we have a credit score that is too high. No really, it's true! I found out that we qualify for a large loan to purchase our first home, but the payments are way out of our comfortable range. I am trying to talk to our real estate agent to let her know that we only want certain payments. However, it is difficult when she has no idea that we are only interested in one home. We have had quite a time dealing with her in the short term. Don't get me wrong. She is wonderful and sincerely looks out for the interests of her clients. I just think my wife and I have a more mellow approach to home buying than she is used to.
Here is the backstory. We have lived in our little town for a little over a year. The entire time we have been here, we have made a hobby of looking at homes in the area. Our idea is that when we do want to settle, we'll have all of our research out of the way. Makes sense right!? The real estate agents seem to have a problem with this train of thought. We are NOT interested in getting a house until it is one we absolutely love. Is that so bad? We do want to get the house we are interested in and nothing else. I would prefer to get it over with and avoid the complications. I think it is all just a big mess right now. We have explained many times how our thought process works, and I don't think it is getting through. Anyway. I think I have rambled on long enough for my first post ever.


Anonymous said...

honestly i am "getting" it :-) just doing my job lol - by the way i LOVE your blog that is so neat

Anonymous said...

didnt meant to be "anonymous" ok here is my name MANUELA lol

sbrewner said...

We know, that you are. Thank you for your concern in our home search. We appreciate it.